Blissed Out

I’ve kept paper journals since age 14, and still find them really nice places for writing freely, as well as excellent practice for writing without drafting. Also, there’s something about the ritual of pen and paper, and about producing neat handwriting in this age of typed screens, that appeals to me. Occasionally I will share …

The Ride That Wasn’t, Electric Fence Blues, Broken Glass And The Deluge That’s Coming

We have a huge cold front coming in, just sitting off the West Coast, and are scrambling to get ready for the gale-force winds, torrential downpours, cold and hail forecast to go on for the better part of four days. The gales arrived this morning, the deluge is coming overnight. Brett and I finished some …

Burning Days

The following piece was written in order to allow readers to walk in our shoes as we engage in cool small-scale mosaic burning of the sclerophyll bushland in our 50ha on-farm conservation area in the autumn while also juggling the 10ha smallholding on which we grow much of our own food using organic and permaculture …