In newsagencies this month I have articles in Grass Roots No.253 (Podcast Pandemonium) and in The Owner Builder No.213 (Low Waste Building Site).
Podcast Pandemonium is an article aimed at the less technology-savvy part of the DIY / self-sufficiency community, not all of whom have grown up with IT, and not all of whom understand the constructive possibilities modern technology offers. In this piece, I am looking at the iPod (or equivalent) as a productivity, educational and connecting tool for outdoors work.
In Low Waste Building Site I show people how to apply reduce – reuse – recycle to house construction, so that the traditional skip bin for building rubbish becomes obsolete, and instead, excess building materials are largely avoided, and those that can’t be avoided are either turned into creative, quirky outbuildings, outdoors furniture, artworks etc, or recycled. Examples are given from the management of our own strawbale farmhouse owner-build, and photographs of quirky constructions and artworks included.
The photos below are related to this article, and also serve to introduce blog visitors to our owner build, environmental philosophy and farm.
A comprehensive list of past magazine articles appears in the Publications section of this blog. More about our house and farm at